Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Happy Happy Birthday Kiddo! 💙

Happy birthday!!!!!!!

Happy happy birthday to the most amazing and wonderful son a mother could ask for. I love you Jakob, love you more than life, love you so much the universe could never hope to contain it, love you infinitely, forever and always.

I know it's just a sketch, I was uhm... too emotional to do more... but to make up for it, you get an original Honey art

And one from a friend

There is a very very special art in dbox. I wasn't sure if it was something you'd want posted here. I hope you love it as much as I do.

And.... ok so I go overboard on gift giving. I can't help it 😭 This and some other things, will be waiting here for you.

And last, but not least... I wish I could embed video instead of just a link... but this one is extra special to me. Hopefully youtube doesn't block it because music, but it will be in the dbox, along with everything else. I'll put the individual images in there too.

Love is- an illustrated poem

And we can't forget that I said I would sing happy birthday and then die of embarrassment... well. LMAO... enjoy haha. You can stop it after the balloons start, they're just there to stop it from becoming a youtube short. Yes it's in dbox as well.

Happy Birthday!!! (Or... your momma is embarrassing...)

Happy birthday dear heart 💙

We remain. You will always be my son, I will always be your momma. We remain. You are loved and cherished, you are an irreplaceable and precious part of my life. We remain. This is not an impossible dream, it's not out of reach, it's not a stupid wish. We remain. You are wanted, you are enough, you deserve to have unconditional love, so much, you deserve to heal. We remain. I told you that you would never lose me, and you aren't. We remain. We will get you here, you will get all those hugs, we will do our bucket list and binge Merlin, and visit the ocean, and I'm still going to adopt you if you'll have me. We remain. You will get everything she never gave and then some, I promise you that. This is not all that remains, WE remain, we are both still here, you and me. We remain, and I love you, my little jakedaw, always have and always will. 💙💙💙💙🫂🫂🫂🫂💙🫂🫂🫂💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🫂🫂💙🫂💙💙🫂💙🫂🫂🫂🫂

and there is this from July, it's in dbox too but not sure you ever got to listen since you were in Greece

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