Excuse me while I have a righteous mom anger moment.
The only parents that force their children to make promises like that, are abusers. That isn't normal, that isn't support, that isn't love. It's abuse, it's control, it's manipulation and isolation. I won't stand for it, and you do not have to keep it. You are a person worthy of unconditional love and unending support and compassion. You are not her fucking scapegoat puppet, you aren't anyone's thing to control. You are my son, and you are worthy and deserving of everything good, every kindness, respect, overflowing love, every bit of support and help that lifts you up, not drags you down into the dark. I won't abandon you in the dark. I'm never letting go.
Never letting go... what it means when I tell you that. There is a huge difference between us (me and her). Where one means chained and imprisoned by control... the other would be a supportive and encouraging hug that is always there when you need it, and is still there, softly in the background, when you don't. It means always being there for you, never giving up, being the best I can be for you. Because you deserve that. You do. I love you kiddo, and you will never, ever, lose my love. Mom for life.
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