Sunday, June 9, 2024

Ch 23: I hold a candle through the darkness

How do I tell you that you don't deserve the hurts of your past or present, but you DO deserve love, support, and compassion. How do I tell you that I love and appreciate every little thing about you.  How do I tell you how special you are, that you are irreplaceable.

I scored free lounge chairs.  I even drug them home myself.  I may not be as strong as I used to be, but I can probably give proper hug tightness.  Usually free stuff like that is kind of crappy, but these are actually really nice.  Comfortable too.


I've been talking with people who, like Ade, have their BPD pretty much healed and are living lives happy and at peace.  I'm finding they all have one thing in common, they are all willing to help, and all have beautifully kind hearts, much like you.  So I have info on treatments, and other things that ended up being important in helping them to heal.  I want to be prepared, I want to be educated, I want to be able to do right by you, I want to give you the best chance at that happiness you deserve to have.  I'm ready to support and foster whatever you love.  I just.... I just want to help you in the best way I can, and give you all the wonderful things in life, because that's what parents are supposed to do for their kids, and because I love you.

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