Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ch 45: I've Been Here The Whole Time, Singing You A Song

You're not just in my heart anymore, you're part of my soul.

Carry You by Ruelle
(Spotify link)

There's a comic on tumblr that has aspects of the show, book, comics, and this person's OC. The latest page (which I saved a partial screenshot of here) was about Blinky and his bond with Jim, about how Blinky embodies the person who steps into the role of parent, who takes in a kid and loves them as their own. And that it's a testament because that kind of bond is strong enough to persist, no matter what... And I kind of teared up because I remember you telling me I was a mix of Blinky and Barbara 🥺, so just that last part, it reminded me so much of that. And gods, I love you kiddo, I love you so damn much. That will never change, and never end. You will always be my son, and I will always love and cherish you. 💙

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