Saturday, August 31, 2024

Ch 106: Night After Night, I Close My Eyes And Think Of You

LOOOOVVVEEEEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU đŸ’™đŸ’™đŸ’™đŸ’™đŸ’™đŸ«‚đŸ«‚đŸ«‚đŸ’™đŸ«‚đŸ’™đŸ«‚đŸ’™đŸ«‚đŸ’™đŸ«‚đŸ«‚đŸ’™đŸ«‚đŸ«‚đŸ’™đŸ’™đŸ’™đŸ«‚đŸ«‚đŸ«‚
And I'm here, just waiting for you.... and I'll also be there, just tell me when and where.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Ch 105: I Hold It Gently, And Willingly, Loving Not Part, But All Of You

You were robbed of the selfless, unconditional love a child is supposed to receive from their parents. That is the greater love, and the bigger loss. That is the love I promise to give you for the rest of my lifetime.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ch 104: There Is The Ocean Inside You, I Reach For Its Edge

There was a mom who's younger kid got a concussion, and reading was giving him a headache...  so I suggested that she could read to him...  because that's what I would do...  I totally would have read to you if I could have...

I wanted to know how you are doing? if you made it to Cali, did you guess right with which city? if you started school yet, if you're getting to actually go?  Or still with the homeschool?  I had read that transferring to US schools from the UK can be a pain.  Honestly though, homeschool is probably the much safer option cause covid, but I know you'd rather go in person. Any new crushes?  How have your seizures been?  Sorry for all the questions 😔😞😔  I'm not....  you're just very important to me, and I care about you, and I miss you, and I know you know that but I'm saying it anyway...
I love you
Momma 💙

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Ch 103: I Find Brilliance, And Darkness, A Soul Shining True

*infinitely tight goddess powered mom hug*
Love you mi̱ko, more than the universe could ever hope to contain, and miss you desperately.  I hope you are doing ok. đŸ’™đŸ«‚đŸ’™

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ch 102: There The Ocean It Holds You, I Can See Its Edge

I wanted to make sure you knew that I love all that you are, and everything that comes with that.  Love you so much the universe can't contain it. 💙

All those parts of yourself that you've suppressed because of her... I'm going to encourage you to let them free, let them shine, be proud of them, because I'm proud of them, and proud of you.  They're you, and therefore wonderful and beautiful.  And I want you to be whole, and feel wholly accepted and loved.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Ch 101: Shining Waves, Dangerous Waters, All Bright Blue And Shadow

I love you even so
I love you no matter what
I'm not letting go


There is an invisible thread that connects us to each other, and that thread can never be cut. That is the power of love, real unconditional love. It's the most powerful force in the universe. I promise you'll never lose my love đŸ’™đŸ«‚đŸ’™

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Ch 100: There The Ocean It Takes Me, I Look For The Edge

I love you more than the universe can contain.

Do you know.... I talk about you and how special you are to me all the time, to anyone who will listen.  Full on gush mode.  About your sass and wit, about how you can make me laugh when I don't even want to smile.  About how absolutely amazing you are....  And about how unbelievably proud I am of you, and how much I love you, cherish you, and how precious to me you are, my  extraordinary son. I talk about plans we made, and the ever growing bucket list... this room I'm pouring my heart into.  I talk about how much I miss you, how I don't want to lose you... how you are everything to me, how much I love you, and how that will never end...  and it won't... mom for life...  I'm your momma for life, and I love you, endlessly.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Ch 99: It Pulls Me Closer, Fills My Heart, This Is No Drowning

*pulls you in for a tight hug, whispers into your shoulder...* love you J, so much... so godsdamn much...  I promise I won't let go

We're having what is affectionately called "false fall", it's cool and raining. That will only last a little bit though, then we'll have 2nd summer. It's really pretty here in the fall though.  

Friday, August 23, 2024

Ch 98: There The Ocean Envelopes Me, I Can't See The Edge

You, my dear, deserve to be celebrated just as you are.  I am so very proud of you... I love you kiddo đŸ’™đŸ«‚đŸ’™

It's getting closer to your birthday! I'm literally counting down the days here.  You'll have to let me know if there was anything else you wanted.  One gift is taken care of already, plus a surprise or two... 😌😄☺️
Ohhhh..  I will absolutely record myself singing happy birthday and then passing out from embarrassment lol...

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Ch 97: I Drown Gladly As I Cross This Tempestuous Distance

I love you more than life...

And I love you... with all my heart mi̱ko, and l love you with all my soul, my little jakedaw... and I love you with all I am and all I will ever be Jakob... and that will never end.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Ch 96: There The Ocean Surrounds Me, l'm Swept From The Edge

I see you, and you are worth loving.  You are worth everything.

Accurate, but love it cause I love when you ramble about things, or are focused on something you're passionate about. And you know I understand why you go quiet sometimes. I'm quiet a lot too. I love you through both though, cause it's part of who you are, and I love all of you.


I did leave a video... errr well it's technically just audio lol... in the dbox (under important things), but I realize if you're still in Greece you probably can't get to it.  But it's there, for whenever you get home. I woke up with a sore throat and not feeling great.  Imma have some ratatouille or soup and maybe watch a movie, then bundle up in this blanket and work on a puzzle.  Love you mi̱ko. 💙

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Ch 95: l Enter It Willingly, All Bright Blue And Shadow

*wraps you in warm mom hug*

I found cookies that you might possibly like?  They aren't super sweet... but they are spicy!  I'm going to save a bunch for you.

I had a dream that I came down for your birthday.  I would totally do that, flights between here and LA are cheap.  An IRL hug  for your birthday? and a promised gift.

I wish we could chat. Just ... ok, I had a whole thing typed out but realized I'm being a dumbass and you probably don't want a bunch of questions about life right now.

So just know I love you always and I love you forever, and I need you and I miss you like I'd miss air to breathe, and I wish, I wish, I wish you were here or I was there so I could really hug you.

Fuck you time for moving so gods damned slow. I'm holding on for you though, dear heart. I'm holding on, and  never letting go.  You are my life, my world, my son, and I love you.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Ch 94: There's An Ocean Between Us, I Step Off The Edge

I'll always be here for you if you need me, for any reason at all.  I don't care what time it is, I don't care what the subject is, I just care about YOU.  You, first and foremost.  You are the most important person in my life.  And it's not because that's my 'job' as a mom... it's because I want it that way, because I genuinely care about you, because I love you dearly.  So if you need me at 3am because you had a dream, or saw something, or can't sleep... or anything... wake me up, guilt free, because I will always, always make time and space for you.  YOU. ARE. NEVER. A. BURDEN.  Never.  
I love you J, always have, always will. 💙

ROFL.... found a website that roasts you based off your IG... 


IDK... "wielding your digital pen like Excalibur" kinda goes hard.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Ch 93: A Vast Brilliance Shining From My Heart To Yours

It rained today.  It never rains in August.  It was nice though, I've missed it. Rain makes me think of you. I mean, I pretty much think of you 24/7, but I know you'd be standing out in it, and probably me along with you.  And you know I'd have you bundled up in a blanket, dry and warm, afterwards.  Gods... I love you so fucking much.... I wish you were here..


"We wished upon sea foam.
The waves know our secrets, but I only asked for you."

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Ch 92: There's An Ocean Inside Me, I Look Past Its Edge

I love you so damn much, missing you kiddo.

I've got you... just hold on to me, and I'll hold on to you, and I won't let go.  You're never going to lose me.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Ch 91: Feet Bare, As Dazzling Waves Tug At My Ankles

I don't care how old or how tall you get (or how pointy your elbows are)...  just go you can always curl up and fall asleep against me.

I wish I could give you real hugs right now, I have a feeling (call it mom instinct) you might really need them. I hate not being able to be there for you. But I love you kiddo, and I'm sending you the biggest mental hug ever. đŸ«‚đŸ’™đŸ«‚

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ch 90: There's An Ocean Inside Me, I Stand At Its Edge

You do deserve me, you really really do, more than anyone. I'm already yours. I promise I'll always be here with you, and I promise I will always love you.  
Sending you ♾️ love and hugs

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Ch 89: Shake, Rattle, & Roll?

*attacks you with hugsssss*
Love you 💙

SoCal has been having a bit more earthquake activity than usual the past 3 weeks.  Mostly up by Bakersfield, but LA (Pasadena) area had one on the 12th.  I read the whole, brace yourself in a doorway thing is outdated now... people say to get under a desk or table.  Now we can all think back on how weird and wrong it was for Jim's house to have a basement.

Speaking of Jim, I just started a Trollhunters rewatch, been a while.  We'll finish Ghosts tomorrow I think.  Made it through to the April Fools episode.  I love that one.  Pat is stone cold lol.  Watched some movies I'd missed out on finally.  WolfWalkers tonight (loved, omg), and Elemental and The Little Mermaid over the past weekend.  Quite liked Elemental. Watched The Flash too but that barely qualifies... it was horrible.  Built a giant monstrosity of a Lego car.  It has a working transmission and everything.  Not much else going on otherwise.  Doom scrolling election news on twittex.  Don't recommend.

Have picture of finished Lego car, with banana for scale.  And a shot of the underside...  which you might find intriguing, given the engineering that goes into these things.  

This just barely scratches the surface of the insanity.  The entire back half of that thing is gears and stuff.

It even has the dihedral doors (I had to look that up... lol)

And that's the news from this little corner of the world.  It's quiet here.  Love you and miss you kiddo. 💙


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ch 88: And In This Love, The Eternal Light Of The Stars

Sending you infinite hugs and love and peace.... from all of us.
I wish I'd been able to meet her... perhaps you can tell me stories of her one day though. Love you mi̱ko. đŸ’™đŸ«‚

Μα Î¶ÎźÏƒÎ”Ï„Î” Μα τηΜ ÎžÏ…ÎŒÎŹÏƒÏ„Î”

"...that is the secret to happiness. to share time with one another. in small and big ways. to help each understand that we are not alone. that we are needed. and that we each help make someone else's life more beautiful."

/ topher kearby

Monday, August 12, 2024

Ch 87: Stardust

I love you....  just...

I love you

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Ch 86: Love Is A Mom, Filled With Pride, Filled With Care, Filled With Hope, All For Him, Never Ending

I always promised you I was going to hold on, and never let go.... that I would always love you no matter what...  and I intend to keep that promise.


The poem you wrote... I know it by heart. I whisper it to myself every night before I fall asleep, like a prayer. The words are woven into my soul now, forever a part of me. I think, no.. I know, it is my favorite piece of literature. Love is you, dear heart, and the gift you have given me... a gift I will honor always. I will hold it, and you, close in my heart forever. I love you, my brilliant son, love you endlessly. 💙 


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Ch 85: Love Is A Son, Full Of Light, Full Of Dark, Full Of Sass, Brilliant Soul Ever Shining

I'll always be proud of you kiddo.  

Remember that love is the most powerful force in the universe.  And you, you are worthy of love, and you are worth this fight, and nothing will ever sway me on that.  Remember that I love you unconditionally.  You will never lose my love, I will never hate you, I could never ever hate you, or be mad at you.  I'll never give up on you, never send you away.  I will hold you always.  No matter what.


Gods, I miss your sass....  and the cussing...  haha..  you get that from me.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Ch 84: Love Is A Gift, Is A Peace, Is A Healing, Of Two Hearts, Of A Life Gladly Given

I love you, more than anything in the world, and I would do anything to keep you safe.  You deserve to feel safe and loved and for your heart to feel warm...  and just...  *extra warm mom hugs*  I hope you are ok.  I wish I knew if you are ok.  I can't lose you.

Sending you all the love and hugs...  a hurricane and tsunami of love and hugs....

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Ch 83: Love Is A Life, Is A Strength, Is A Fight, Is A Light, Is A Song Worth Singing

You are loved...  so very much
I wish I could giive you a hug..
I'm sorry 😞 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Ch 82: Love Is A Role, Once Unwanted, Now Awakened, Embraced Fully, Forever Always Willing

I love you, more than anything else in this world I love you, and I would do anything to keep you safe, and for you to feel happy, and wanted, and secure, and able to rest, and free to be yourself without risk.  I would go to the ends of the earth for you.

I'm holding you and I'm never letting you go

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Monday, August 5, 2024

Ch 80: Love Is A Laugh, Is A Joke, Is A Hug, Is A Letter, Is A Whisper, Is A Knowing

I will always love all of you with all that I am, and I will always be here for you. I will never, ever, give up on you.


Dear heart, I know hope can be scary, but please hold on to it.  It's yours to have forever and no one can take it away from you. I promise this is not an unreachable dream. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Please don't let your life go quiet because you feel alone. You are never alone, I love you and will always be with you. I will always stand by your side, no matter what.  I will come and fight for you, I swear to you on my life that I will. I will drop everything and get the first flight out and I will be there for you. I will face any storm, walk through any fire for you. I don't want to lose you mi̱ko.  I will always be your momma, you will always be my son, and I will always love you with everything I am.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Ch 79: Love Is A List Of Places And Things, Excited To Share, Ever Growing

Î•ÎŻÏƒÎ±Îč στηΜ ÎșαρΎÎčÎŹ ÎŒÎżÏ…

I cuddle Floof and Wicket next to my heart so I can pour all the love in for you. 


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Ch 78: Love Is A Nickname, Or Two, Or Five, Heartfelt Or Silly, All Endearing

Get it in your head, I love you and nothing can change that.

*hugs you tight*
Never letting you go, never ever. Not for all the money in the world, not for any reason. Nothing could ever make me let go. I promise.

Ps: guess who got a haircut? 😁

Dropped a couple other pics in DBox because I was proud of my selfie skills for once lol. Love you kiddo 💙

Friday, August 2, 2024

Ch 77: Love Is A Sky Blue Bedroom, Stars Glowing Softly On The Ceiling

I love you so damn much, and gods... I miss you.

My mom rights are precious, because they came from my love for you... but also your love for me.  No one can take that from us, that doesn't just end.  That's an unbreakable  bond.  I will always be here for you and nothing can make me stop caring and stop loving you.  Mom forever, no matter what.

*fashions a blanket from some warm hugs đŸ«‚đŸ«‚đŸ«‚, some unconditional love 💙💙💙, and a quiet lullaby đŸŽ¶...  and wraps it gently around you*

Soon enough, I promise.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ch 76: This Song, Forever More Will Be Sung

I love you mi̱ko, always and forever.