Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Ch 6: To Persevere

I will love you always, beyond the end of time... nothing will ever change that.  Gods I would give anything to talk to you though.

You asked me once, "What if things go wrong?" And my answer still stands.  We persevere.  We fix it or find a way around, but if we can't then we hold on, to hope, to each other, to this incredible and beautiful thing we have.  It won't be easy, it never is.  We might come out of this a little damaged, a bit hurt, but we will hold each other in our hearts, and then IRL, and together we will heal.  Remember that there is always hope, always a way through, even when it seems like there isn't, and you are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for.  I promise you though, you will make it here, and this will all be worth it in the end.

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