Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Ch 13: And I Hold The Ocean

I hold the ocean in my hands, wild and raging, the tsunami that is you.  I will not let you slip through my fingers.

I hold the ocean in my head, dark and endless blue, these depths that are you. I know you as I know my own soul.

I hold the ocean in my heart, bright and crashing waves, these waters that are you. I  carry you there softly and with love.

I hold the ocean in my soul, both storm and glassy calm, this ocean that is you; water of my water, blood of my blood, bone of my bone.

I hold the ocean with all of me, encompassing all that is you. My brilliant and beautiful son. I love all of you and give to you all that I am and will ever be. I hold you and it feels like home.

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