Just hold on dear heart, hold on tight, don't let go, don't give up. Don't let her win. The greatest revenge for all the years of neglect and abuse is to survive, escape, and heal and find peace and happiness, and love.
Stay safe and remember that I love and care about you so very much, there is so much waiting here for you. I believe in you, have faith in you, and am so damn proud of you. Remember that there is always hope, even if it doesn't seem like it. There are brighter days, a better life, a life of peace and safety, so many hugs, and so much laughter ahead. I know you can do this mi̱ko.
I love you, always have and always will.
*infinite hugs*
For you other lovely people out there... those that know me and this situation, those that don't.... I am asking a favor... please pray for my kiddo, that he's safe, that he makes it out the other side of this, that he makes it home. Please... just... gods... please.
Love you all. Thank you.

Christmas post is ch 219
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