Was downtown, talking with someone about an art thing and the subject of college came up, and I was telling them about you and how you wanted to be an architect... and I'd looked at this at one point.... but according to them, the architecture program at PSU is exceptional. It's easily accessible by transit... and... you know, I uhmm... have a college fund set up for you... yeah...
*sigh* stuff I'd wanted to talk to you about but thought we had more time, and I figured that was probably a given anyway considering that I'm literally your momma/adopting you. Also, gap semesters/years are a good thing... especially when we have so many museums to visit, whales to watch, stars to see, and shows to binge (meaning I'm not going to be all haahaahahaaa you must go straight back into the school grind, I want you to rest a bit, to heal... I've learned things.. but they can wait till another post).
I hope that I haven't said or done anything wrong or upsetting or angering. I'm navigating without a compass here, with nothing to really guide me. I know I fuck up sometimes... and I own those, and am sorry. And I'm not saying it feels like I have! Just that, if I have, I'm sorry.
Sorry... This is such a weird, disjointed post today, gods. I'm in a weird and slightly terrified headspace with election day. Too much stress. I'm going to end up stress cleaning the bathroom tonight... or eating all the leftover halloween candy.
Just.... the most important thing, is that I love you, more than anything in this world, more than life. Always have, and forever will... and I am so fucking proud of you... never stopped being, not once. *♾️ hugs*
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