Monday, May 28, 2007

Don't Point at Buffalo (and other life lessons)

Last week was the best week I've had this past year. John arrived Monday afternoon and we spent quite a bit of time just hanging out, laughing and catching up with old times. Wednesday I took him out to Wichita wildlife refuge for a day of fun hiking, driving, picture taking and good food. We learned that buffalo do not like it if you point at them, Holy Cities can be creepy, and fried peaches are pretty good. Thursday wasn't near as much fun though; John continued on with his trip and I went back to work.

This is where we get to the 'deep thoughts'.

His visit has me at a realization, or really more like a remembrance. There is nothing better in life than spending time with a great friend, especially when that great friend shares so many common interests with you. I say a remembrance as this is something I already knew, but with so many friends scattered across the country and only a handful I consider really great friends, I tend to forget what it's like. I also didn't realize how much I want that contact until it's there and gone again. Here I always thought being the loner was just fine by me.

John, you're right. I think I need to get out of this town. Either that or everyone else needs to move closer. :)