Thursday, June 29, 2006

Anti What Kind Of Powder??

A while back I went shopping for bird seed and flowers with my mom. As we are wheeling into the checkout lane, I hear her call me over as she points at something. I notice then that she's on her cell phone and she's talking rather loud. That's when I hear her say it... 'OMG you have to see this stuff, it says Anti Monkey Butt Powder!!!' (laughs really loud.. people are now staring) ; oh boy. I find she is talking to her sister and they are plotting to buy a bottle of this stuff to send to her sister's husband as a gag gift. She then starts reading the bottle out loud; I slink away and end up on the aisle with bug spray. Long story short, she finally gets off the phone and people finally stop staring and whispering amongst themselves and we finally check out and leave, bottle of monkey butt in hand. I have to admit though, it is pretty damn funny; marketing genius even because if people don't need it for whatever it is supposed to do (anti-chaffing it says), a good few will probably buy a bottle anyways just for the laughs. I found several friends had seen it and purchased as gag gifts already. They even have a website. I hope the recipient of this bottle enjoys it, whether it be put to it's actual use, or just enjoyed for a good laugh. :)


Anonymous Kareem Of WheaTT said...

LOL......I have friend who bought a jar of this: He then emptied it out, washed it real well, and fills it with yougurt and packs it in his lunch. He likes to go out in public to eat his lunch.

He also has cut the end off of a tube of toothpaste, emptied the contents, cleaned the tube out, refilled it with sour cream and uses it on his bagels.

In closing......too much spare time.

June 30, 2006 at 11:31 AM  

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